Bartlesville, OK
First Tryout a Huge Success
Saturday, February 10 marked the beginning of our project. The first-ever tryout was held at the Custer Stadium in Bartlesville where many players could showcase their abilities. Under the watchful eyes of the coaching staff, the players gave it their all, displaying their skills, teamwork, and determination.
What really shone through was the camaraderie among the players. Despite the competitive nature of the tryouts, there was a sense of mutual support and encouragement. Whether it was a well-placed pass or a crucial save, applause and cheers echoed across the field, highlighting the tight-knit community spirit that defines FC Bartlesville.
"This was exactly what we were hoping to see today," said Head Coach Luka Milicevic. "There is always fear when you start something new. You can't be sure how the community will perceive your vision; and in our case, how will the players in our region react to the news about a new club. Today couldn't have gone any better."
Another Tryout will be held on March 9 after which the staff hopes to complete the roster.
"We are still looking to add several players to our roster and I encourage everyone interested to come out in March and take their shot. There is so many benefits to being a part of a summer league team. You get to meet new players, create connections with coaches, and of course, you get to elevate your game through a very good level of soccer."
The second Tryout will be held at the Custer Stadium on March 9, 2-5 pm. You can register here: https://www.fcbartlesville.com/tryouts